The High-Performance Bootstrap 5 WordPress starter theme

The power of SASS, merged with the WordPress Customizer

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Built-in SASS support | Browser live reloading | Top PageSpeed results


Fully customize the Bootstrap CSS, from the WordPress Customizer

Control via an easy interface site typography, colors, spacings.

Hit "Publish" and the Bootstrap CSS bundle is rebuilt on the fly.

Thanks to the built-in SCSS compiler, you can also add your own .scss files directly in your Child Theme, and those will be automatically compiled into a single minified CSS file.

All is done on the site server, in PHP.

Zero configuration required. Just activate the Theme, and you're ready for action.


Built-in live CSS reloading

While doing CSS edits to your child theme, if you're logged as an administrator, picostrap takes care of recompiling the SASS code and re-creating the CSS bundle file, but not only.

The page will try to reload the CSS bundle in the browser, to automatically pick up the changes from the CSS edits you've just saved.

This can greatly reduce time spent on switching windows and hitting cmd-R on your browser to reload the page.


Light frontends: happy users, better rankings

picostrap does make WordPress lighter, fighting actively against bloat.

A specific file in the theme folder (inc/clean-head.php) has the role of removing all the extra header tags that nowadays WordPress does append, with the goal of making your site's HTML look like the original barebones Bootstrap starter template.

It only includes Bootstrap 5, without needing or adding jQuery.

No jQuery, no FontAwesome, no added sugar.

A great way to start your quest for the best rankings.: with a clean slate.



The perfect starter theme to build your next masterpiece. 

Instantly Customize Colors

 Just launch the WordPress Customizer: instantly set the Bootstrap Color variables like Primary, Secondary to your own project colors. Your CSS bundle is rebuilt upon publishing. No inline styling is needed anymore. 

Built-in SCSS compiler

No need to install command line tools. Using a built-in PHP implementation of SCSS, PicoStrap will automatically rebuild your CSS bundle, when changing Customizer settings, or when editing some .scss file in the /sass folder. 

Beautiful Font Combos

Easily change the font family used for main body text and headings, choosing from the full Google Fonts list. Feeling lazy? We have some ideal font couples suggested from FontPair. Get started immediately with typography that looks great and suits the mood of your project.

Set your own variables

If the Customizer settings are not enough for you, you can use the sass/_theme_variables-custom.scss file to customize each and every Bootstrap variable. Who said Bootstrap-based sites shall look all the same?

Add your own code

You can use the sass/_custom.scss file to add your own styling. All will be automatically merged in your single, minified CSS file, for maximum site speed. You don't need any CSS minification / concatenation plugins.

Responsive Typography

One of the most useful recent additions to Bootstrap is responsive typography. Enabled by default in picostrap5. Fonts will smoothly grow bigger on larger screens, while staying acceptably sized on mobile devices.

Hide unnecessary tags

Using WP for a showcase or single author site? If you want, you can globally hide the author, the post dates, and the categories. No need to hack the single and the archive template anymore. Just a few clicks in the Customizer.

Disable Comments

If you're not using WordPress to build a blog, you may love PicoStrap's feature to optionally disable the whole WordPress comment system in one click. Say no to unnecessary spam.

Keeps your head clean

Removes tons of unnecessary tags from your site's <head>, like Emojis. And if you are using the Classic editor plugin to disable Gutenberg, the additional CSS for GT blocks is removed. See the cleanup.php file for details.

Blank Child Theme Provided

The best option to have full control on the SCSS pipeline, and code your own masterpiece adding your own functions, templates and markup.

Sharing Buttons [OPT-IN]

As an optional feature, picostrap allows for some zero bloat, fully HTML-based sharing buttons to share your single posts on Facebook, WhatsApp, Telegram and Twitter. No JavaScript added. No extra plugins.

TopBar [OPT-IN]

An optional topbar is useful for adding important information like contact details and links. You can customize it's HTML content directly from the Customizer

GPL Licensed

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picostrap5 Theme

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picostrap5 blank child theme 

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picostrap5 MDB Free Child Theme

Implementing SASS from the Material Design for Bootstrap: MDB Free



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